Monday, October 31, 2011

Hazaras in Mongolia, a report that uncaps a host of memories and feelings

My good friend Hannah has sent me a link to this site.  It portrays Hazaras from Afghanistan who are studying in Mongolia.  For me is was a surprising treat and brought back so many memories.  I am so glad to see the  young women, few of whom I actually got to meet in the Hazarajat; clearly the times and the context are different.  In ways difficult to explain I have a deep feeling for the Hazaras, among whom I spent the better part of two years many years ago.  For this reason I will never  be able to read the Kite Runner -- I break down in the first few pages; the experience brings something out of me I never knew was there.  Could other anthropologists have such sentimental attachments to the people they studied?  For reasons I can't explain I dearly loved the people I knew.  Now I see their offspring, and I am thrilled.
[Click on the title to see what has stimulated such memories.]

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