Thursday, April 12, 2012

Another Whistleblower Fired

This is not the first time that we have heard that our government is not kind to whisleblowers, but the new statement by Peter Van Buren [Confessions of an Iraq War Whistleblower: The State Department fired me for telling the truth about US failures in Iraq. Here's why I don'tregret it.] should deeply sadden all of us.  We suppose that we reside in a country that honors its claims of the pursuit of justice.  

Not much to be proud of here.  It reminds me of the response to Fear Up Harsh by Tony Lagouranis:  Most people don't seem to want to know about torture of Iraqis even though, in the case of Lagouranis, he has felt deeply ashamed of his part in it.

And the state department doesn't want people to know about the failures in Iraq -- after all, a lot of blood has been spilled there and a lot of taxpayer's cash.

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